
Slalom Rules

According to World Skate:

Events calendar

Around the world you can find the link below.

About the competitions


In competitions you will find the following modalities of Inline Freestyle:

  • Slalom;
  • Slide;
  • Free Jump.

In Slalom the following categories are found:

  • Battle Freestyle Slalom or Battle;
  • Classic Freestyle Slalom or Classic;
  • Pair Freestyle Slalom or Pair;
  • Speed Slalom or Speed.

Note: in Brazil we usually do not have a Pair.

If you want to know more about each one:


The events can last from half a day as in the friendly ones, up to a week as in the World Cup.

Categories (age)

Competitions are generally divided between Junior and Senior.

Junior up to 18 years old;

Sênior entre 18 a 35 anos.

Master acima de 35 anos.

For more information on cones disposition:

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